Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Let's try this again.
Monday, May 19, 2008
What I have so far.
But here it is so far.
Edit: Video upload isn't working.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's coming along.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Lip syncing
Also, here's what I want for the backgrounds:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Raw audio.
Edit: Clean copy.
WARNING: Probable foul language and mom jokes ahead.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Slight problem with schedule
As for now, I don't have anything to show.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
By request, the script in a non-.doc form.
| Sound Effect | Action |
| | Hand with red marker moves its way down the “classified” section of the newspaper. It stops at an ad about a nice house that is available. |
| Marker squeaking | Circles ad with pen |
| | Brandyn walks down street with a slip of paper in his hands. The houses behind him are huge, upper middle class homes. |
| | C/U: slip of paper reads “ |
Brandyn: Hmmm.. | | Brandyn looks at the addresses. The house he is standing in front of says 720, and the one to the right says 724. |
| | Brandyn looks down to see a cardboard box with the number “722” sloppily drawn on it. |
Homeless man: Looking at the house? Please, come in. | | A homeless man stands up from inside the box, with the box still dangling on his head. |
| Box falling | Brandyn reluctantly sticks his head under the box, and it falls down to the ground again. |
| | Brandyn is sitting very constrained inside a cardboard box with an unsightly homeless man. |
Homeless man: Let me show you around. Here’s the kitchen, here’s the bathroom, here’s the foyer, here’s my room, and this is your room. If you need me, I’ll be in the bathroom. | | The homeless man is pointing around at random corners of the box |
| | The homeless man shifts his body away from Brandyn and sits in the same way, only now at an angle. |
Brandyn: Well, thanks for showing me around, but I don’t think this is really - | | The homeless man gets a relieved look on his face. |
Brandyn: Eww! Homeless man: (yelling) Get out of the bathroom! | | |
Week: Storyboards and animatic. Animate Blocks 1 and 2.
Weekend: Recording voice acting and placing rough audio. Draw backgrounds.
Week 7:
Week: Animate blocks 9 - 14
Weekend: Lip syncing
Week 8:
Week: Animate blocks 3 - 6
Weekend: Animated blocks 7-8
Week 9:
Week: Cleanup
Weekend: More cleanup
Week 10:
Week: Profit
weekend: Sip on Gin and Juice
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's been a while
I'll have more news or stuff or updates or projects or whatever soon.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Lip Sync
Anyway, here it is (Edit: Holy shit, it's loud. Turn down your speaks before pressing play.):
If you are curious as to what the audio means, so am I. About six years ago, even around the time TBD first started, this audio message appeared on John's answering machine. We had no clue what it meant, but it survived on my computer since. So I lip synced it. Sorry it soudns like an answering machine, and not someone talking.
Character Sheets.
The new character sheets are being worked on this very moment. Here's a preview - Brandyn in a 3/4 view.
The complete turn around will be completed shortly. After that, I'll have an animatic with the vocal track up by the end of the week.
Also, the lip sync and walk cycle are also part of the character sheets. The walk cycle will be up after the turn around, and the lip sync is coming along. Here's Brandyn mouthing some incoherent babble.
The rest of the character sheets - John, Phillip, Tom, Tamara, and Stefan will be completed in the early summer.
I'll be updating soon. All of the comics are uploaded, but I haven't made pages to view them yet. Also, it might see a slight overhaul in the web design. It needs it, it looks so 2000 right now.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Latest Flash tutorial
It's a puppet that we had to make jump. It was pretty fun.
Quick announcement.
On the plus note, expect story boards AND character sheets for TBD by Monday. It will be glorious.
Monday, April 7, 2008
More news, and the script.
Also, here's the script for the short animation:
By the summer, I'll have the full script (in standard screenwriting format) up.
Business cards, beginning of first TBD animation.
Look at that first guy, he's adorable, isn't he?
Also, the first (technically second, but let's not talk about the first one) Twisted by Design animation is about to begin. I'll post the script in the next couple of days. It's a short segment from the pilot episode. Much to my eventual embarrasement, many of the name are staying the same. At this moment, the main characters' names - Brandyn (my name, I know, but haven't you ever seen Home Movies?), John, Tom, and Stefan - are all staying the same. Ashli's name is being changed to Tamara, but that's it. Maybe I'll change some of them later. Keep an eye out.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Internet killed the video star.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Globcore Productions dot com
TBD's comics website, is up, but only hosting two comics. That's probably for the better, anyway. Do you know how hard is it to go through 120 webpages all at once? It's barrels of fun.
A short animation showcasing a scene from the pilot episode will be up by the beginning of summer. Concept work and progress will be posted here.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The bear inside me: A retrospect: And a review: There's a bear: Inside me:
Watch the video here:
This is the director's cut of Colin's Bear Animation, a brilliant piece written, directed, and animated by the young Colin Sanders. With the industry of animation turning over new soil, younger blood is needed to revitalize the aging, senile industry. And the blood doesn't get newer than this. Colin made this stunning piece while still being a third year student in college.
Needless to say, the animation itself secured Colin an A in his class. Not only that, he received a personal congratulation from the Dean himself. It was only when his maverick friend uploaded the piece to popular video sharing website that the bear was unleashed to the world. This quickly trickled down to my viewing, and I have no been able to look at animation the same way since.
Upon first watching, I was taken back. Never since Duchamp have I seen anything of such caliber. I had to watch it, and rewatch, and rewatch it again. I was sucked in, enthralled. I had new motivation in life. If you will, let me dive into what happens in this piece, and watch along with me.
This piece showcases the plight of The Nameless Bear (who we will here on refer to as Big Bear, for sake of clarity and simplicity) who cannot find himself. The first scene places Big Bear walking in complete darkness, a feeling we have all felt before. This quickly and effectively sets the dark mood of the piece. With nothing left in his life, he turns to the dark underworld of the night life. He beings to dance until his problems mean nothing to him, his cares melt away. The next scene shows Big Bear as a regular in the seediest of night clubs. We can only assume at this point in his like he is on some mix of hard club drugs. Big Bear has hit rock bottom. he then goes to what friends he have left to try to help him find some sort of resolve, but to no avail. I might add as an aside that this scene is beautifully rendered in a field setting that is reminiscent of the field with the oak tree from the end of Shawshank Redemption. This leads directly into the climactic ending. Sanders leaves us pondering at the end. we see Big Bear floating through space. What is Sanders trying to say to us? Perhaps Big Bear has spiraled through clubbing straight into an overdose, where in his mind he is floating through space itself. Maybe he went to find himself in space. Maybe the first three quarters of the scene was all a drug induced dream and this is his actual reality. But, such is the brilliance of the master of the surreal, Colin Sanders.
The phrase "ahead of it's time" is thrown around a lot. Sega's Dreamcast, Pepsi Co.'s Pepsi Blue, and the musical group The Shaggs, all brilliant, but just not ready for the public. Colin's Bear Animation unfortunately falls into this category. Unfortunately, this piece has barely breached the animation world. Perhaps, like Van Gogh, Beethoven, and the great artists of the past, the work will not be appreciated in his life time. One can only hope that as the animation world grows, we can really begin to see the influence that Colin's Bear Animation has had on it.
This piece easily gets a perfect 6.5 on my rating scale of 6.5.
Excerpts from a survey.
1. Name
Brandyn Bold
3. Hometown
Pittsburgh, PA
5. What is/was your Major?
21.What is your favorite animated Movie?
Space Jam
22. What is your favorite Anime Movie?
Space Jam
23. What is your favorite movie?
Space Jam
25. Who do you admire the most?
Space Jam