Monday, April 14, 2008

Character Sheets.

Click it for better resolution.

The new character sheets are being worked on this very moment. Here's a preview - Brandyn in a 3/4 view.

The complete turn around will be completed shortly. After that, I'll have an animatic with the vocal track up by the end of the week.

Also, the lip sync and walk cycle are also part of the character sheets. The walk cycle will be up after the turn around, and the lip sync is coming along. Here's Brandyn mouthing some incoherent babble.

The rest of the character sheets - John, Phillip, Tom, Tamara, and Stefan will be completed in the early summer.

I'll be updating soon. All of the comics are uploaded, but I haven't made pages to view them yet. Also, it might see a slight overhaul in the web design. It needs it, it looks so 2000 right now.

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